Upcoming Meetings
MC Eagle Forum: Texas Scorecard’s Brandon Waltens
With a Speaker beholden to the Democrats who helped get him elected, Texas GOP Legislative Priorities are now on the line. What can we expect in the 89th Texas Legislature and what can we do to help get conservative priorities passed?
MOVIE NIGHT! Featuring - Hubris: The Texas Kingmakers
Join us to watch the latest film from Texas Scorecard, exposing the biggest political force in Texas. Stay for discussion after the film to learn how we can take action now and during the upcoming 89th Texas Legislative Session.
Returning Conroe ISD Trustees: Advocating for Biblical Values With School District Leadership
Returning CISD Trustees will explain how we can continue to support them, ideas for replicating their success in other local districts, and important education legislation in the upcoming 89th Texas Legislature.
Election Recap Featuring Rep. Steve Toth
Please join us at our meeting this Thursday, November 7th, as we celebrate huge Conservative wins! Texas Rep. Steve Toth will share his perspective on the election and how the results will impact not only our state and nation, but also Montgomery County! He’ll also discuss legislative priorities for the 89th Texas Legislative Session and the upcoming House Speaker election.
Understanding the Great Taking: 7 Things You Can Do Now to Protect Your Assets
Montgomery County Eagle Forum Board Member, John Feder, will explain “the Great Taking,” including seven things you can do now to protect your assets and preserve your wealth from a Great Taking or other catastrophic events.
Emergency Preparedness: Protecting Your Family During Long-Term Power Outages
Montgomery County Eagle Forum Board Member, John Feder, will explain threats to our electric grid, how to assess your power needs, and how to purchase and install a solar generator for sustainable energy during catastrophic events, rolling blackouts, and long-term power outages.
Movie Night! Letter to the American Church
Join us for a free showing of “Letter to the American Church,” a film that lays out the parallels between early 1930s Nazi Germany and other totalitarian regimes with what is happening in America today and how the church has been mostly silent facing this evil. Learn practical steps you can take to help wake up the church.
No July Meeting
Our next meeting date falls on July 4th, so we will not be holding a meeting in July. We hope you enjoy time with your family and reflect on the founding of our great nation. Mark your calendar for our next meeting on August 1st!
Personal Safety & Situational Awareness
Have you thought through what you would do in a threatening or potentially violent situation? Join us to learn how to strengthen your decision-making process so you can diagnose what’s happening and respond quickly. Learn to watch for signals from strangers around you and how to deselect yourself as a possible victim.
Montgomery County Eagle Forum National Day of Prayer (canceled due to weather)
Our Appeal to Heaven: Reveal TRUTH & Expose Deception. Join us Thursday, May 2, 6:30 pm at Grace Woodlands Church for the National Day of Prayer. This will be a time of prayer and praise together with believers from many churches across the region.
Overview of May Elections: Identifying Conservatives in Local, Non-Partisan Races
Conservatives made great strides in the March Primary Election. Let’s keep the momentum going locally! Join us for a discussion of the upcoming local, non-partisan races and MUD elections that will be included in the May 4th Uniform Election. We also will discuss the May 28th Montgomery County Sheriff Runoff - both candidates have been invited to introduce themselves and both have confirmed. This is a great opportunity to learn how to research for yourself and meet some of the candidates in person.
The Border Invasion: What’s in Store for Montgomery County?
Featuring Diane Nielsen on the invasion taking place on our southern border and the impact on Montgomery County. Helicopter pilot, David Cannon, will provide exclusive aerial views of Colony Ridge.
Candidate Forums: TX House Dist. 15, 9th Dist. Court of Appeals, Constable Pct. 2
In preparation for the 2024 Primary Election, we're holding local Candidate Forums in January and the first Thursday in February at Grace Woodlands Church. This is a great opportunity to ask candidates YOUR specific questions.
Candidate Forum: County Sheriff & Commissioner Pct. 3
Due to a law enforcement emergency, Sheriff Rand Henderson will be unable to attend this evening's forum. Kenton Ford, who is running for County Sheriff, and Ritch Wheeler, who is running for County Commissioner Pct. 3, will still attend to answer your questions in preparation for the March 5 Primary Election. We also will be presenting updates on the latest issues impacting Montgomery County and Texans.
Local Candidate Forums: Republican County Chair & Congressional District 2
In preparation for the 2024 Primary Election, we'll be holding local Candidate Forums every Thursday in January and the first Thursday in February at Grace Woodlands Church.
How Can an Ordinary Person Make an Extraordinary Difference?
God can use each of us to advance his kingdom right where we are. We’ll discuss specific actions you can take right in your own neighborhood to influence our culture, including how to submit resolutions at your precinct convention and how to research your elected officials and vote for those who will support your values in the March 2024 Primary Election.
Movie Night! The Texas Heist
Even if you've seen the documentary, please join us on November 2 as we watch The Texas Heist as a group, then spend some time discussing the film and praying over the revealed issues together. We’ll also have a surprise guest speaker and learn more about what the mainstream media doesn’t want you to hear!
Texas Constitutional Amendments on the November Ballot
Mark Ramsey will explain each of the amendments to the Texas Constitution that will be on the November ballot so you can make educated decisions at the polls. Plus: 10-minute report by Luis Pedraza on nearly $2 BILLION in CISD Bonds.
The Importance of Estate Planning
Judge Claudia Laird will discuss the importance of estate planning, including common mistakes and misconceptions encountered in probate court. Learn how to prevent problems associated with not having updated wills, trusts, and other legal documents.
Targeting Trafficking
Dr. Seema Nanda will share how to identify victims of human trafficking and resources for combatting the crisis. Learn steps you can take to urge Governor Abbott and the Texas Legislature to secure the border and end the slavery that is human trafficking. View event »
Texas Legislative Sessions: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, & the Uglier
Legislative Advocate Tom Glass will provide insight on the special sessions as well as victories and defeats from the regular legislative session. Get up to speed and learn steps you can take to encourage the Texas Legislature to finish the job they were elected to do. View event »
In God We Trust: Critical Legislative Updates & Urgent Prayer
Attend this meeting for updates relating to these issues coming out of the 88th Texas Legislative Session, then join us in praying for God's intervention. This is not just another educational event, but will be a time of participatory prayer where you will have the opportunity to pray if you feel led. View event »
Full Armor of God: Montgomery County Prays
Join the Montgomery County Republican Party to pray Ephesians 6:11-18 over our elected representatives. View event »
National Day of Prayer Meeting
We are in a spiritual war for our families, our freedom, and our entire way of life. Join us for this year's National Day of Prayer observance on May 4 to pray together for revival in our land. View event »
Your Property Taxes EXPOSED
Attend this meeting to understand the processes relating to your property taxes, make sure you're taking all your exemptions, and steps you can take to reduce your assessment. Our speakers will cover these topics and then take your specific questions at the end! View event »
An Inside Take on the 88th Texas Legislature
Join us to navigate bills of interest and their progress through the 88th Texas Legislature. You'll leave ready to take action now and prepared for what's to come. View event »
Healthcare & Medical Freedom: How the Left is using healthcare to usher in totalitarianism
Dr. Armstrong stepped up in early 2020 as one of the most courageous doctors in the United States, prescribing life-saving medications for early intervention of the COVID virus. Join us as he provides the latest information on COVID, vaccines, and efforts of the Left to control every aspect of our lives under the guise of pandemic prevention. View event »
How a bill becomes a law – and what you can do about it
Montgomery County Eagle Forum Vice Chairman Bob Bagley will walk you through the process of advocating for Legislative Priorities. He’ll also explain how to follow the progress of bills relating to the Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities and discuss potential travel dates to Austin to lobby legislators. View event »
How to Make Your Legislators Listen
Have you ever wanted to voice your opinions to your elected officials, but didn’t know how to go about it? Bonnie Lyons will discuss Legislative Priorities, how you can become a Citizen Advocate, current and upcoming Congressional legislation, and how to effectively communicate with legislators. View event »
Make Your Conservative Vote Count!
America is at a crossroads. Indoctrination in schools, rising crime, and inflation are impacting all of us. Election integrity issues have made some conservatives feel hopeless and wonder if their vote will even be counted. Alma Jackson will explain why it's more important than ever to vote on November 8. View event »
Indoctrination in Our Schools
Take the time to fight for our kids by understanding what is really going on in our schools - and being paid for with our tax dollars! The Mind Polluters provides a shocking look at what’s being taught to kids as young as preschool age. View event »