Save the Date for the National Day of Prayer!
Join Montgomery County Eagle Forum for a time of prayer and praise together with believers from many churches across the region. Montgomery County civic leaders will be praying for our county, state, and nation, interspersed with patriotic hymns and devotional challenges. Mark your calendar and invite your friends and neighbors. Children are welcome to attend!
We’ll pray together for:
Our nation and border
Law enforcement and first responders
Government leaders
Our judicial system
Educators and students
Families and life (the unborn and elderly)
Pastors and churches
Americans across the country will gather on the National Day of Prayer to give thanks and ask for the Lord’s continued guidance, mercy, and protection. We call on our fellow Americans to join together and pray in the power and promises of Scripture, taking up our shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, as we boldly confront the darkness for his kingdom.