Uniform Election

Early Voting

April 22-27, 8am-5pm

April 29-30, 7am-7pm

Early Voting Locations

Election Day

May 4, 7am-7pm

Election Day Voting Locations

Primary Runoff
Montgomery Co. Sheriff

Early Voting

May 20-24, 7am-7pm

Early Voting Locations

Election Day

May 28, 7am-7pm

Election Day Voting Locations

Are you registered to vote?

Check your voter registration, update your information, or register to vote here. It’s easy and your vote makes a big difference in electing Christian Conservatives who support biblical values!

Why Is the Uniform Election Important?

Local boards and councils decide how much tax to collect and how that money will be spent.

The May 4 Uniform Election will be voters’ first opportunity to elect representatives to the Montgomery County Appraisal District Board of Directors

School boards make decisions that determine what your children or grandchildren are taught or exposed to in the school setting and bonds that will be on the ballot.

Some Municipal Utility District (MUD) boards are stacked with representation from big development companies and have little or no citizen representation.

$500 MILLION in BONDS will be issued by the SJRA for replacing 48 miles of fresh water lines and the waste water treatment facility!   So you can now expect your water bills to double and possibly triple over the next decade. We desperately need to elect strong fiscal conservatives to run our MUDs.  

Projections of huge increases for water & sewer bills: 

30 sec. - Example of HUGE increases for water & sewer bills 

20 sec. - People may not afford to fill their swimming pools

We need to END homeowner subsidies for commercial developments.

We need to STOP secret MUD elections and include them on the November General Election ballots.

We need to encourage transparency with streaming and posting of all Board Meetings 

View the Montgomery County MASTER SAMPLE BALLOT to see new MUD districts being developed - $$ MULTI MILLIONS of $$ in bonds passing, some with only 1-3 registered voters in the district. These are found at the bottom of the Master Sample Ballot. This is an eye-opener! 

Uniform Election Candidate Information

Since the non-partisan races don’t indicate party affiliation on the ballot, it can be difficult to determine which candidates will stand for Christian Conservative principles.

At our April 4th meeting, we provided an overview of the elections and how to research the candidates. Many candidates were on hand to introduce themselves and discuss the issues.

Scroll down to view your personal sample ballot and make sure you contact your MUD directly if it isn’t listed on the ballot to determine when the MUD board election will be held.

Conservative Voter Guides

Why Is the Montgomery Co. Sheriff Runoff Important?

The County Sheriff is elected by the people and reports to the people, not to the state or federal government. He has the power to defend county residents against unconstitutional mandates.

View Your Sample Ballot

Follow the instructions below to view your personal sample ballot, showing the exact races in which you will be voting and candidates for those races! You can print out your sample ballot, mark your choices, and take a paper copy with you into the voting booth.

Click here and enter your information in the “Voter Information” fields.

Click Search. This will display your voter registration information.

In the Election Day Information table, click “Sample Ballot” in the “View Ballot” column.

More voter information is available at votetexas.gov and elections.mctx.org. Election results will be posted on the Montgomery County Elections and the Texas Secretary of State websites after the election.

Beware of Political Action Committees (PACs) that are created with deceptive names in order to deceive low-information voters.  They may list Toth, Trump, or Cruz at the top of their voter guide but actually trick many voters into going against grassroots Conservatives in down ballot races! 

Republican Primary Voters: The Montgomery County Republican Party does NOT provide Republican voter guides or endorse candidates in Primary Elections. These are some examples of groups NOT associated in any way with the Montgomery Co. Republican Party, yet voters have been easily deceived by these titles: Republican Voters of Texas, Montgomery Co. Republican Club, Republican Victory PAC, Associated Republicans of Texas, Preserve The Woodlands (funded primarily by developers & contractors), and more.  

As an example, one of the top contributors to the deceptively named “Secure Our Border NOW PAC” is Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan, who worked to kill essential border bills and have Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton impeached. The “Texans for Opportunity & Prosperity PAC” is funded primarily by the Las Vegas Sands Corporation as part of the pro-gambling lobby.

You can look up those who are funding the voter guides you receive at transparencyusa.org or visit our list of trusted Conservative Voter Guides.