What Really Matters?

Young girl waving a US flag

March 6, 2024 | Alton, IL

by Anne Schlafly, Chairman, Eagle Forum

“What really matters,” a friend recently asked me. The news is depressing, the world seems to be in chaos, and common sense is uncommon. My friend continued, “I want to participate and promote conservative values, but I don’t know where to spend my energy.”

Good question. The answer is always to focus on first principles: God, Family, and Country.

Secure Our Border. Without a secure border, we have no country. Article IV of the U.S. Constitution requires the federal government to protect every state in the union from an invasion. We are being invaded and our civil society is undermined by the resulting lawlessness in our cities.

The Corruption of Our Children. What used to be called “adult entertainment” is now disseminated to all ages through social media and government schools in the name of “free speech.” Adults have abandoned the innocence of childhood. By protecting children, we are slandered as “book banners.” We should censor the oversexualization in schools. Our children need privacy and modesty in schools and public places.

Celebrate Life. To choose life is a recognition of both science and humanity. The Democrats are pushing for state laws that allow abortions on healthy babies. It is crucial that we - and our elected representatives - continue to stand for Life.

Securing Our Liberties. The creep of socialism is everywhere: from eliminating consumer choice in our household appliances to curtailing farmland. For America to continue to be a free land with hope and opportunity, we must object to any government intrusion in our lives and our livelihoods.

Anne Schlafly is Chairman of Eagle Forum and has served on Eagle Forum boards of directors since 2008. She is the daughter of Eagle Forum’s founder, Phyllis Schlafly.

Montgomery County Eagle Forum

Montgomery County Eagle Forum (MCEF) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization devoted to educating, motivating and activating citizens to become involved in our local, state and national governments. We desire the restoration and preservation of the Judeo-Christian principles upon which the United States was founded and want to help you get involved.


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