Texas Eagle Forum Releases 2023 Legislative Scorecard
October 31, 2023 | Austin, TX
A message from Texas Eagle Forum
We hope our 2023 Scorecard gives you a good indication of where your Senator and Representative stand on preserving family values in Texas. Praying for guidance, we poured over hundreds of bills affecting Texas families and feel confident we were able to produce a fairly accurate picture of support for the values Texas Eagle Forum exists to protect.
In addition to scoring votes dealing with Texas Eagle Forum’s priority issues, such as stopping any expansion of gambling or marijuana, election integrity, protecting children from the transgender agenda, and pornographic books in public schools, we gave bonus points to lawmakers who stood solidly on their conservative principles. Extra credit also was given to elected officials and their staffers for their encouragement and help to Texas Eagle Forum volunteer activists during the session. They were a blessing we could not ignore.
In the Senate, a completely perfect score is 105% (a perfect voting score and all bonus points). A totally perfect score in the House is 106% (a perfect voting score and all bonus points). Texas Eagle Forum celebrates and expresses our appreciation to these Conservatives who scored a 90% or better!
To see how all our legislators scored, please click here to read The Torch newsletter.