Texas Eagle Forum Priorities for the 89th Legislative Session
February 10, 2025 | Austin, TX
by Cindi Castilla, President, Texas Eagle Forum
We have spent the last several weeks in Austin sharing our priorities with legislators. We have not met with all the offices yet, but we are making good progress.
Many great bills have already been filed and as always, we’ve found quite a few that are crazy awful! We will have a better picture of this session once Speaker Burrows releases his picks for Committee Chairs and the members of each committee. Bills will continue to be filed until March 14th, but Committees can begin considering legislation this Thursday. We can expect activity to pick up at the end of this week and certainly hope the House will stop taking days off for very long weekends. We appreciate those who vote against these extended recesses.
While we wait, we would like to present the issues that are at the top of our list. You will see that some of our goals are critical this session. We don’t know how long our window will be to prepare and protect Texas and Texans from any future federal administration as horrible as what we survived 2020-2024.
God has given us time and we need to use it well. A few of our goals, especially in education, may have to be accomplished over time but still need some serious attention this session.
Texas Eagle Forum Priorities for the 89th Legislative Session
Border - We support the Trump team’s federal effort to stop illegal immigration. We will support bills that help us protect our own Texas border or add stronger border control language to our state laws. We encourage the enforcement of the Texas laws already in place.
Elections - We will secure our elections by advocating for transparent, verifiable processes: hand-marked paper ballots, counted where cast, and voting in precincts only. Mail ballots must be limited to the truly disabled, military personnel, and overseas voters. We support shortening the early voting period with no gap before Election Day. We will support all efforts that ensure that our voter rolls include only qualified voters.
Education - We must eliminate destructive Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), which is designed to indoctrinate children to rely on their feelings and emotions rather than reason and fact. We will support a parental opt-in requirement for any effort made, by any method, to elicit information from a child regarding an attitude, habit, trait, opinion, belief, feeling, or attempts to diagnose or predict the child’s mental health condition.
We will monitor and weigh in on school choice bills. These bills acknowledge that we have major problems at our public schools and Texas Eagle Forum believes the best solution is to focus on reinventing public education in Texas by embracing the time-tested classical model, which is proven to produce well-educated, self-sufficient young adults. If any school choice bill is ever passed, it should be universally offered to all children and it should save taxpayers significant money, not cost them more.
Protect Childhood - We will support bills that protect children’s innocence, allowing them to be unencumbered by age-inappropriate and sexualizing materials and visuals.
Oppose Government-Sanctioned Addiction - We will continue to oppose predatory gambling, including the lottery, in Texas. We will oppose any expansion of marijuana in any form. We will continue to fight to make all Delta-type THC products created from hemp illegal, along with the sale of beverages including THC.
Life - We must protect all human life, particularly by stopping the abortion pill industry from flagrantly murdering unborn babies. We must discuss how to truly stop this barbaric practice
Constitutional Currency - We support making gold and silver legal and transactional currency in Texas.
Medical Freedom - We support medical freedom for every human, honoring the doctor-patient relationship above all else.
National Security and Constitutional Issues - We support protecting our land from foreign adversaries and our electrical grid from any threat. We will protect our Constitution by continuing to oppose extending the current call for a Constitutional Convention which puts this great document at grave risk. We support nullification when the federal government oversteps the 10th Amendment.
Of course, many other issues are important and Texas Eagle Forum will likely add priorities throughout the session and include them in our alerts as they come up.
We hope you will join us by following our alerts this session. Our volunteers work hard and spend many late nights preparing for upcoming hearings and alerting you of the positives or negatives of particular bills of importance. Please support us by taking action when we need your voice.
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Preparing to Make an Impact in the 89th Texas Legislative Session