Compelling Testimony from Mutilated Children
The House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government held a hearing titled “The Dangers and Due Process Violations of ‘Gender-Affirming Care.’” Additionally, Eagle Forum is encouraging the House to include a bill from Rep. Dan Crenshaw in the upcoming House appropriations package in September.
One Hundred Years of Coddling Communists
To celebrate his 100th birthday, Henry Kissinger flew to Communist China and visited with Xi Jinping, the totalitarian dictator, and reiterated his 50-year support of the “one China policy,” which is that he wants Red China to rule Taiwan. Let us remember the Kissinger record…
Supreme Court Ethics Bill is Unethical
In yet another attempt to delegitimatize the Supreme Court, Senate Democrats have moved forward with a bill they say would tighten ethics requirements for its Justices.
Should Legal Documents Be Accurate?
A birth certificate, driver’s license, and passport are legal documents that should not be manipulated according to feelings. Kansas has recently passed a law that defines males and females at birth by their biology instead of their feelings, addressing the legal documentation issue.
In Defense of Our Nation’s Defenders
Last week, House Republicans began the process to eliminate many of the woke policies the Left has been forcing on the U.S. military for years. House conservatives are making it clear our military is not to be used for radical social experimentation.
Property Tax Agreement Passes Both Senate and House
Providing Governor Abbott follows through on his promise to sign it, the Senate version of property tax relief has passed. The bill combines tax rate compression and a rise in the homestead exemption from $40k to $100.
AI Is the New Arms Race
Artificial intelligence (AI) is truly the Wild West right now and Congress is struggling to move fast enough to legislate important boundaries.
Tell Your U.S. Senators: Vote Down General Brown
Take Action! U.S. Senators serving on the Armed Services Committee are taking a vote this week that could adversely affect our military readiness. With the Left’s political ideologies infiltrating our armed forces, Senators must be diligent in vetting who will be elevated to leadership roles.
U.S. Supreme Court Rebukes Biden and More
The Supreme Court’s June decisions shed light on some of the high-stakes issues that we face every day. Here are brief summaries of the hottest cases we’ve been watching this term.
Supreme Court Re-affirms Fundamental Rights
Americans have much to celebrate this July 4th weekend as the Supreme Court has reaffirmed our fundamental rights to Free Speech, Religious Liberty, and Equal Protection under the law, as well as separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government.
Our Country is Worth Celebrating and Protecting
What does the Fourth of July mean? We celebrate so much more than a declaration of independence from tyranny. We celebrate the founding of a new country based on a philosophy of self-governance.
Round 2 of Property Tax Relief Showdown Begins in Texas Legislature
Round two of the property tax relief standoff began on June 27, as the Texas Legislature was called back into another special session by Governor Greg Abbott.
July is Patriot Month
After a month overtaken by “Pride,” Eagle Forum is dubbing July as “Patriot” month. We encourage all Americans to unite in celebration of our founding principles and gratitude to live in the best nation on earth.
Tonight: Special Report on Ranked-Choice Voting
Join Heritage Action tonight for a one-hour Special Report with John Solomon on Real America’s Voice to get all the information you need on Ranked-Choice Voting (RCV), the Left’s newest scheme to rig elections.
Congress Continues to Fight for Babies
Saturday marks one year of a post-Roe America. On the heels of Dobbs’ first anniversary, House and Senate Republicans are continuing the fight to protect life.
Legislative Alert! Send a Message to Speaker Phelan
A group of grassroots activists created a statewide effort to let Speaker Phelan know their frustrations with his disregard for the will of Texas voters for the second session in a row. You can join in the effort by simply signing and mailing a letter.
Gov. Abbott Signs Bills Protecting Children and Women’s Sports
Gov. Abbott invited Texas Eagle Forum and other groups to the Capitol today to celebrate the ceremonial signing of SB 14. Children in Texas can no longer be subjected to cross-sex hormones and surgeries that sterilize, mutilate, and damage their healthy bodies.
There is only ONE Flag of the United States
The U.S. flag is meant to represent our nation — an all-inclusive symbol that does not discriminate on the basis of religion, sex, race, national origin, disability, education, or money. Unfortunately, the White House is displacing the Stars and Stripes with the so-called Pride Progress flag to push a radical political and partisan ideology.
The Color Guard
The month of June has been overrun by new flags that seek to divide, not unite, Americans, but the Stars-and-Stripes is an all-inclusive symbol that does not discriminate on the basis of religion, sex, race, national origin, disability, education, or money.
Invest in Fidelity
Celebrate the beauty of fidelity this month, especially on June 14, when Americans commemorate our fidelity to the Flag of the United States of America. The opposite of fidelity is pride. Let’s give generously of ourselves to others this month!